Want to get involved?
Bristol Seed Swap Volunteer with us
Bristol Seed Swap is an annual event (apart from a covid blip in 2021 where we had a postal/online version), which runs at the Trinity Centre on Sunday February 23rd 2025. 12.30-4.30pm.
Most of the team and some volunteers are on site from 10.30am - 5.30pm.
The event is run entirely by volunteers and self funded via donations, cafe sales and stall holder fees. We would be delighted to have more people on the organising team as well as volunteers for the day.
There are numerous roles, we estimate we could use 50 people and the more helpers we have, the more we can share work out so everyone involved can take time out to hear a speaker or have a proper look round. We aim to cater to people's tastes and talents to make best use of your time and make it an enjoyable day for all.
We have found it best if each area has its own team who self organise jobs, breaks and at the end taking stuff down/packing up. If you are only able to do part of the day this allows others to plan round your availability.
Various roles include
Seed Tables - tables of seeds set out in categories for people to take according to need. People with some knowledge of seed saving or at least gardening are very useful here to help people choose seeds, take donations and if possible answer questions on growing.
Seeds In - anyone with some depth of knowledge on saving seeds, happy to talk to people as they bring in seeds and to ensure only reliable seeds make it onto the tables.
Cafe - we set up a pop up cafe which goes a long way to funding the event – home made cakes and mugs of soup. Anyone happy to handle food and work with the public would be great here.
Information/garden advice - another one where experience with gardening is necessary. There will also be leaflets and info from companies who have sent us seeds.
Welcome desk - Explaining to visitors how it works, directing them to go upstairs for talks and more stalls etc.
Stewards -keeping an eye on numbers and generally helping people to navigate around the venue and to stay safe. Encouraging donations as people go into talks, helping gather feedback and making the whole thing run in a hundred little ways. Suitable for anyone who likes the human race.
Set up and Take down - we have two hours to set up, one to take down, we have done this before, we have systems and plans, but lots of people make it easy, it's not all about heavy lifting either, though one or two strong backs come in handy. If you can only offer a couple of hours these would be key points 10.30-12.30and 4.30 to 5.30pm. Extra fresh energy showing up at the end of the day is a blessing!
If you are interested in volunteering please drop a line to Diane on brisseedswapvols@gmail.com