Bristol Seed Swap is live again in 2022
Sunday 13th February 2022
between 12 and 4pm at the Trinity Centre, Bristol, BS2 0NW
Free entry or by donation
Bristol Seed Swap brings people together to exchange seeds, promote food growing and gardening and encourage resilience in our food system.
Take what you need, give what you can: Bring your own seeds to exchange or give a cash donation.
Talk and book signings by Dan Saladino and Alys Fowler
Seed stories from Eating to Extinction: Dan Saladino in conversation with Alys Fowler and Barny Haughton
Dan Saladino, award winning food journalist and broadcaster, will introduce themes from his astonishing first book “Eating to Extinction” - The World's Rarest Foods & Why We Need to Save Them".
Over the last 50 years, much of the world’s seed has come into the control of just four corporations and the vast majority of our adaptable, resilient strains of locally saved seed have been lost or are highly endangered. Our global food system, now based on a level of uniformity never experienced before, is increasingly vulnerable to diseases, pests and climate extremes.
Dan will discuss with Alys Fowler and Barny Haughton what this means for gardeners and growers, and for cooks and chefs at every level, what we can do in our own communities and kitchens to preserve food diversity for future generations.
What can I expect at a Live seed Swap?
Is the event free?
Talks on seed saving, gardening and related topics. Our programme is awaiting confirmation. Diane Holness will be giving a talk on Seed Saving the how and the why. Dan Saladino is hoping to come and give an "in conversation" session with local food hero Barny Haughton of Square Food Foundation and Horticultural hero Alys Fowler. Please keep an eye on our socials for up to date info.
Stalls selling plants, seeds, 'green' goods and promoting organisations with a growing or ethical theme.
Kids Area
A kids area where there will be a range of child friendly garden themed activities.
A WONDERFUL pop-up cafe serving fabulous food and drinks
Information about local growing projects, and how to get growing.
Lots of friendly and happy volunteers and visitors.
And last but not least, of course - THE SEED TABLES where you can browse to select the seeds you need.
Is the event free?
Yes! You can come in for free.
We are considering a bookable timeslot (dependent on covid restrictions) where you would pay a deposit of a few pounds, and these would be refunded on the door - so you would only pay if you were a no-show.
This has yet to be confirmed, we would prefer to keep it uncomplicated and free. Even if we go for that there will be space for people to just come along - it only means they would queue longer.
Are the seeds free?
Yes! We want as many people as possible to grow food and to get into gardening generally. Money should be no barrier to doing so.
Give what you can - take what you need.
Donations of seeds or money for seeds are welcome if you can afford it - it is entirely at your discretion, no one is going to ask you about it.
Bristol Seed Swap Events are self funding and run entirely by volunteers. Next year's event depends on this year's breaking even.
I don't have seeds to swap,
can I still join in?
Absolutely! YES!
Everyone has to start somewhere, and we want to get everyone growing - whether you have a window box, a Bristol front garden known as a barton or are on the waiting list for an allotment.
Whether you know the exact variety of tomato you want or have no idea what to ask for.
If you are skint, seeds are free too.
For next year, please try saving some seeds to bring to the Seed Swap. There is plenty of information on our Seedy Stuff pages.
What do I need to bring?
SEEDS to add to the Seed Tables if you have any, these can be spare shop bought seeds or ones you have saved yourself.
FRIENDS and NEIGHBOURS. Tell the gardeners in your life about the Swap, some people are just too busy growing things to look at social media - we find it hard to reach them with publicity.
CASH, for donations, though we can now take Paypal too.
Warm clothes - you may have to queue for a while.
PayPal donations
We welcome donations, but they are entirely at your discretion and only if you can afford it.
If you are skint, volunteering with the Seed Swap or learning how to save seeds for us is another way to 'give back'.

Keeping in touch
is for volunteers; whether you would like to get involved with organising Bristol Seed Swap, or would like to be a day volunteer for the next Swap in February 2022, use this address to get in touch.
is for offers of seeds, enquiries about having a stall at the '22 Swap, suggested collaborations, contact details of our speakers if you'd like them to talk to your group, and anything and everything else
We also have a mailing list
Details on future events - the next Seed Swap and any seed saving workshops or talks. Maybe a newsletter every 6 months. Low traffic and informative, we certainly won't be flooding your inbox.
Thanks to everyone who joined in with Bristol Seed Swap 2021
We sent seeds out to:
307 individuals
10 community growing projects and schools
We also sent out 50 bundles of seed packs to each of 3 food banks in Bristol and Nailsea.
The three talks for 2021 are now on Youtube, just search for Bristol Seed Swap.
or follow this link for details: